
Tuesday, October 05, 2004

it's cold outside 

i nearly froze myself on the way to work this morning..it was only 49 degrees (feels like 42). it's definitely the coldest it's been since, i don't know, the end of spring/winter in May? It's ok though, it is October after all, and at some point I have to realize that the summer is over!

Oh, and i finally figured out what has been causing me all this pain in my legs. Basically I have "myofascial pain syndrome", as a result of "trigger points" in my muscles were the fibers which are compressed and under tension. The only way to get rid of them is through a deep (and PAINFUL massage). Michael was nice enough to give me massages several times a day over the weekend, and my legs felt a lot better! I think the accupuncture helped too...i no longer have pain in my hip joints. basically what i have now is some pain on the surface of my legs, or near the knee. I think i'm going to see a massage therapist today, and the acupuncturist on Thursday. I'm glad to have finally figured things out!! It took ~4 months, but i'm glad i finally figured it out. I was getting discouraged with trying everything under the sun.

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