
Saturday, November 01, 2003

where's the hot water??? 

ok, this is just a angry rant--i've been waiting *30 minutes* to take a shower here in SP...i've been running the water for all that time and STILL the water is COLD (not lukewarm, COLD). this lack-of-hot-water problem is quite common in Sidney-Pacific (has been an issue since Day one, that was the subject of the very first e-mail that went around to the residents), but this is the absolute worst its been. What if you were going for a scheduled meeting or interview, and you weren't able to take a shower for this reason? You would end up being late , or you would have to scramble to the Z Center and use the showers there (probably be late anyway).

also, i'm pissed cuz the heaters haven't been working for the past few days either. what's going on? Argh...

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