
Saturday, February 28, 2004

busy day 

well today's gonna be a busy day. i have to go to Old Navy (yes, have to) since i have a $5 off coupon that expires tomorrow. i can't turn down free money! i also want to go running today. it's supposed to get up to 8 degrees C and sunny (46 F). woo-hoo.

oh, and yesterday they started construction right outside SP, on Sidney Street. It was HELLA loud (my apartment felt like it was bouncing up and down) but at least it was during the afternoon (around 3pm). however this morning i was awakened at around 6 am by recurring sounds in that same area. I look out the window and see that they have stopped working, but that they had put steel planks on top of the construction area (so that cars can drive over it). So basically now whenever a car drives past on Sidney Street (right below my apartment) you can totally hear it. Especially when it's a huge truck..it practically shakes the building. Argh! Oh well...considering i have to get up around 6:30-7am on Mon-Thurs anyway, i guess it's not a big deal....

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