
Tuesday, February 03, 2004

a busy day 

well today was the first day of class, and it was indeed hectic. I had to get up early since i had a 10am class (but that didn't stop me from having a 3-egg cheese omelette with bacon for breakfast..). The class (6.461- Electromagnetic Fields, Forces, and Motion) seems pretty interesting...i'm sure it'll give me a better understand of stuff going on in my research..plus i really need to brush up on all those e-mag equations..i keep learning them and forgetting them :). Anyway, it's good because there is no textbook required, and they ended up rescheduling the class to be from MW 4-6 instead of TuTh 10-11. There will still be a recition on Tue 10-11..so that means that only one day of the week (tuesday) i will be rushing to get to class (my PE class ends at 8:30, after which i have to shower and then have breakfast).

anyways, at noon i had Japanese II, and that was interesting...it was difficult at first since the instructor just jumped right into conversation, as if we were just picking up from where we left off last semester (i realized that in ~2 month's time i had forgotten a lot of stuff..). i'll really have to review this week.

oh, and after that i went home for lunch, making some fajitas i had gotten in bag from Trader Joe's. they were good, but too spicy (for me anyways). after coming back to work and studying japanese for a bit, I went to the Z-center. Damn, it gets crowded as hell at 6pm. every single machine was taken, and everything was booked until 7pm (which is when i had to leave). But fortunately at 6:05 i saw that nobody was on this elliptical trainer (even though someone was signed up) so i just grabbed it (sneaky me..! ;-) ) I got kicked off at 6:30..but then i was available to find a stepper that no one was using (again, ppl sign up but then never show up for things). i left at 7pm, having burned 400 calories (woo-hoo), and not feeling tired at all. i wished i could have stayed longer, but whatever. i got my things together and then biked back home, showered, and ate dinner (salada with tuna & mayo) at an extremely fast pace, just in time for the SP House Meeting at 8pm.

the house meeting went well, we approved the budget and were done by 8:40pm (yay). And there were several krispy kreme donuts left over afterwards, so i took an entire box! i went all called michael and told him about it..he was excited. he'll be coming over in little while, so he'll get to have some. yay, i can't wait! :)

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