
Saturday, February 14, 2004

happy valentine's day! 

well, as usual (ok, not usual, but for this year and the last) valentine's day is sort of anti-climactic for Michael & I, in that our 6-month (and this year, our 18-month) anniversary happens to be the day before, so we just celebrate that instead. fine with me! :)

ok, so yesterday (Friday the 13th) marked 18-months (!!) since Michael & I have been together. So of course we were going to go out to dinner to celebrate. We planned on taking the #1 bus to the restaurant, since it happened to be nearby. But he surprised me--he actually went and rented a Mini zipcar! (It was totally cool by the way..the inside looks completely different from any other car). Then he drove me to the corner of Mass Ave & Memorial Drive, stopped the car and he said, "I wrote you a message, can you find it?" At first I was confused and thought he was talking about somewhere inside the car. Then he was like, "Look outside.." and I looked up and saw that on the top floor of Ashdown (in front of his window), there was a huge sign in lights that said "M (heart) A". Awww! The letters were in white lights, the heart was in red. Talk about sweet!! I was totally taken away..no one had ever done anything like that for me. I swear, Michael never ceases to amaze me..he is the best!! :)

Anyway, after that we headed to Botucatu, a Peruvian/Brazilian restaurant in the South End. After spending sometime trying to find parking that wouldn't get us towed, we finally had a chance to sit down and eat. We got fried plantains as an appetizer (Michael had never had them before, but he liked them), which were good. I had the XimXim, which was basically chicken with coconut/tomato sauce. Michael tried and didn't like it (he said it was bitter) but I thought it was okay. Michael had a chicken dish as well, that came with french fries. Both our plates came with a large side of rice with black beans, so we had to get a take-home bag. By that time we were really full that we didn't need dessert.

After dinner, Michael was kind enough to go drop the car off in Boston, while I stayed in SP to finish his present. By the time he got to SP, it was just in time. I finally gave the "finished product" to him..a little red scrapbook of our past year together (on the cover it had a framed picture of us, that said "Michael & Anita, February 2004". It followed perfectly from what I did last year (for our 6-month anniversary i had given Michael a scrapbook that said "Michael & Anita, Annual Report - February 2003".) You see the thing is, although Michael & I started going out in August 2002, we actually met in February (on 02/02/02, if you can believe it). Soon after that, we were project partners in 6.730, then later qual-studying buddies, and then during the summer we just spent a lot of time together (going to see plays on the commons, LSC movies, and finally Montreal). so i basically put a scrapbook together of all these things that we had done in that year, and it turned out really cool (Michael really liked it). So this year I got the idea to do something similar, and it actually turned out pretty well. This time it came out better though, since (1) for the pictures, i used a high-quality printer on HP photo-paper, instead of my crappy deskjet on Xerox paper, and 2) i used a lot of stickers & decals for the title lettering and for other stuff and 3) each page had a cool-looking background (i used several different kinds of paper from the arts store) Anyway, when it was finally finished, Michael really liked it, he said it was "really professional looking." :)

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