
Saturday, March 20, 2004


ok, here were are in Montreal...and it is SNOWING like nobody's business. :) Michael and I had gone out for lunch (we ended up going to the Hard Rock Cafe) and when we returned around 4:00pm it was so snowing so strong it felt almost like rain! It was quite odd too since for part of it we were walking along the same street (St. Catherine) that we had walked on the last time we went to Montreal! It was insane.

Anyways, our hotel (Le Centre Sheraton) is really great. Even though we got there around 11:00am, we were able to check in to our room and unpack. Our room even has a minibar fridge, that we are going to try to use to store our own groceries(hopefully our using it won't trip the sensors and charge us for storing our own stuff!) We also got the internet in our rooms, which after a while of debugging, we finally figured it out.

Oh, one of the things we really noticed after getting to Montreal: EVERYTHING (and i mean everything) is in French--signs, menus, coffeepot intstructions, hotel handbook, even the treadmill in the hotel gym (i had to guess that "vitesse" meant "speed")! A lot of times they have it in English as well (in smaller letters, of course, as mandated by Quebec law) but a lot of times they didn't, so I guess you would be screwed if you didn't speak French. I guess I'm glad I took a year of French in high school (and also, knowing Spanish helps quite a bit). Michael took 8 years of French in school, but he says he doesn't remember much. Whatever..i think he has a good French accent. :) Also, about 90% of the TV channels are in French as well...they show American movies but dub them over. We caught bits and pieces of "Clueless" and "Election" in French, and WB cartoons as well (Slyvester, Tweety, and the Tazmanian devil sound *hilarious* with French voices!)

Anyway, at the moment i'm just chilling after a 5-mile run on the treadmill. Was pretty good! I'm so glad I am able to get back into running again!

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