
Monday, March 08, 2004

so much for spring... 

it another act of bizzare-osity, the boston weather has swung yet again in the opposite direction. yesterday it was sunny and almost in the 50s, but when i woke up this morning, it was cloudy, snowing and below freezing (with windchill). whatever. i'm not pissed since i like snow, and we have the Winter Shuttle from SP to 39. :)

so i went to pilates this morning, for yet another humbling (yet enabling) workout. when i returned i had a yummy hot cereal consisting of 2 Tbs rice bran, 2Tbs oat bran, pecans, half-n-half, strawberries, stevia, cinnamon, cloves, and maple syrup. :) I also had a cheese stick, a butter corn cake w/ almond butter, cream cheese, & tahini, and of course some hot chocolate (yes, i do believe in BIG breakfasts..). and after finally getting to work (and after studying for about an hour) i took Lesson Quiz #8 in Japanese..i think it went ok. Right afterwards had swimming class, which kicked my ass towards the end. We went in the diving pool (which is way colder) and started doing breaststroke techniques. i totally sucked at it, probably because i had never done breaststroke before. eek. well hopefully i can figure it out soon enough..

and i ate lunch at 2:45 today, and since i was relatively starving by then, i ate all what i had brought (the delicious pork roast i Crock-Pot(tm)ed yesterday, carrot sticks w/ ranch, yogurt, rasberries & cereal, another cheese stick, and some almonds/pecans). Oh and last but not least, a TANGELO. those things are quite tasty! tangelos look just like oranges, but are more, well, orange (they are deeper in color) and are slightly smaller and sometimes they have a little nub. i bought them on Saturday when Michael & I went to the Alewife Whole Foods. i ate on of them for "dessert" and it was delicious!! the taste is similar to orange, but a bit stronger, and more sour (but still sweet). kinda tastes like a cross between an orange & lemon, but still quite sweet. yummy!

anyways, back to research...

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