
Sunday, April 11, 2004

well guess what..i just ran about 10.4 miles (with Michael, too!) thing is, i needed to run 10 miles, in preparation for running half of the Boston Marathon on the 19th. At first it was really hard (it was a bit chilly, and we actually stopped at Ashdown after 1.5 miles to get gloves, hats, jackets) but towards the end it seemed to get a lot easier. We did the loop from Longfellow - Eliot (that's 9.23) plus two times SP to BU bridge (which is 0.6 each way). I was so glad that Michael was able to run as well..he didn't actually run with me, he did intervals (sprinting + walking some) because of his knee, and it actually worked out!! yay! now i'm not so scared about crashing the boston marathon (well, i still am, but..)

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