
Wednesday, May 12, 2004

ok, it's HOT today (in Japanese: kyoo wa, atsui desu ne!) I really noticed it because I just spent the past ~2 hrs or so in the sun. We had our potluck party (from the Japanese Lunch Table), and we ate outside on the roof of E38. Other than the hot sun beating down on everyone, it was really great - good food, good company. Everyone there is so nice! The stuff that everyone brought was delicious..even the chocolate chip cookies that i made this morning (gluten free!) turned out to be pretty decent. And despite the fact that my Japanese is very limited (almost all the other students there have participated in the MIT Japan Program, which requires at least 2 years of Japanese before they live in Japan for the summer), i could still say a lot of things. People were discussing earthquakes, and I managed to say that there was a big earthquake in San Francisco, in 1989. Yeah, doesn't sound like much, but "1989" is not that easy to say in any other language besides English (you can't say nineteen eighty-nine, you have to say one thousand nineteen hundred eighty nine). Random tangent, but whatever..

Anyway, now i guess I should do some work. I didn't really do any work yesterday, since i had Japanese class, did some errands, and then I left around 6pm to go to practice for Team in Training. This time we were meeting at the Boston Common, so I jogged 2 miles over there from MIT (i figured the extra mileage would make up for not cross training yesterday). Anyway, i had expected that this time we would go for about 2-4 miles (like on Thursday's practice at the MIT track). However, to make a long story short, we ended up doing 7 miles (!), making it a total of 9 miles for me that day. I wasn't expecting to do so much, but i was glad that I could do it and not feel totally dead afterwards. I was totally lagging behind almost everyone, but i didn't mind because i didn't get lost (everyone stopped like 2 or 3 times during it, to let everyone catch up). Also, I knew that i had already jogged 2 miles, and that all but two of the others there were from the winter/spring season (they had been already training for ~15 weeks, & their marathons was coming up in June). Also, everyone there was really supportive, and the coaches were always checking to see if i was OK. They're awesome! :)

Also, the scenery was AMAZING-one of the best jogs i've had yet. We went to this place called "Castle Island" which is in South Boston. Yeah, you have to cross through a not-so-hot area to get there (there was all this machinery surrounding what appeared to be a dump) but once you get there, it's all worth it.It's basically a beach that you can jog around (~1.5-2 miles or so) and there's a lot of people walking around (mostly families, couples, roller bladers, people walking their dogs). It reminded me of a beach boardwalk. It was especially pretty since it was about sunset (around ~7-7:30). I'll have to go there with Michael sometime!

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