
Thursday, June 17, 2004

sucky day! 

yesterday, that is...who knows about today. Yesterday i still had pretty bad leg pain..it actually got worse in the afternoon. I could do nothing but sit there and feel my left leg tightening to the point that i felt a sharp burning pain. i got up and went for a walk, but that seemed to make matters worse. i ended up going to MIT urgent care again, have to pay $5 for a taxi to get there (MIT police refused to take me there, because apparently it wasn't serious enough of an emergency). the doctors who saw me put some ice on it, but that didn't help at all. they gave me some valium, which i took around 8pm (when i got to SP) and fell asleep arond 9pm. i woke up around 4am, and i could tell that it was working as a muscle relaxant, since i felt my legs weren't as tight anymore. that was some sort of relief.

i stayed in bed until about 5:30am reading (i finally finished Paranoia, a brilliant book). i was starving (i didn't have dinner the night before) so i ate some breakfast (luckily i still had some food left at SP). i called michael around 6, and he told me that he had a terrible night since they had been jack-hammering on Memorial Drive (from 2am - 4:30am!) He said he didn't want to call me since he didn't want to wake me up. Aw, how sweet! Anyways, i told him that i'd probably try to take the EZRide to a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning (my only means of transportation) and then go to ashdown to get my office keys, etc.

Argh. it's so frustrating, i haven't run in almost two weeks, and haven't done any cardio (elliptical training) for a week and a half, and my knee/leg pain is getting WORSE. i'm really worried because 1) if this continues, i'll be on crutches pretty soon, and 2) i don't know if i can continue with the trajining program, to eventually run a marathon. it sux, because since i had managed to successfully train for and run a half=marathon last year (all on my own), you'd think i won't have gotten messed up so early in the game. i mean, i have special motion-control stability shoes now, and i do stretch (ok, so not as often as i should) so you'd think i'd be better off. i guess my problem was that i was increasing my mileage, too soon (i was up to 20 mi/ a week before i stopped) and i was running/exercising when my muscles felt really fatigued. also i should have strengthed my quads more, at the first sight of knee pain. arghh, oh well, whatever. the damage has already been done, and the only thing i can do know is hope that by some twist of fate my leg/knee begins to get better. for starters, i'd like to be able to walk properly....

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