
Thursday, July 22, 2004


ok, early tomorrow morning (7 am) Michael and I take off for Montreal. Instead of taking the greyhound ($98 per person, so about $200), we decided to rent a car ($140 for weekend), which came out cheaper even when you include parking and gas). Anyways, i'm really excited about the trip, except I have so much stuff to take care of here! Plus, I'm worried that my legs will give me grief in Montreal. At least for half of Friday I won't be walking around...Saturday will probably be a tough day.

Oh, and about my injury, i guess i still need to limit the walking and exercise that I do. Swimming is definitely no good because it hurts my knees when i kick. Biking is ok, but only light biking (like to get around somewhere) for less than 15 minutes at a time. Walking is ok but only for short times. This kind of injury is a bitch because I can't really do any cardio (unlike when i hurt my back in December). My PT says that I have a muscle imbalance going on, and that I really need to strengthen my quads and inner thighs. Argh. So i guess I will mostly do that before I start running again.

so things to remember when i start training again:
1) Always, always STRETCH during workout (5-10 min after warming up)
2) Always STRETCH after workout
3) use foam roller on daily basis
4) strength train 2x a week (at least)

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