
Thursday, August 26, 2004

i made the cucumber soup last night. it didn't turn out that so hot, but it was edible. i give it a 2.5 stars out of 5. i had to use coconut milk to substitute for the yogurt. unfortunately, the coconut milk i bought (from star market) was pretty old, so it had separated. anyway, it sucks because i put yogurt in EVERYTHING, and there's not much that can be used to substitute for it...

I also had this vegetarian chili dish, that was pretty good, with this non-dairy sour cream from Tofutti (the only kind that i've found that contains no casein whatsoever, and no rice). It's actually pretty good..the most decent substitute i've seen. HOwever, it made of hydrogenated oils, which is pretty bad. However, i don't plan on using it long term..hopefully i can find some way of making my own substitute in the future.

Anyway, i wish i could go running today, but unfortunately my leg IT band hurts, so i think i'll sit it out until tomorrow. i'm going to seriously limit dairy (no cheating), and hopefully that will make it better...

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