
Thursday, August 19, 2004

on road to recovery? 

yesterday i went to Wellspace, in the Fresh Pond Mall (right by the Alewife T) to see an ND about my knee/leg pain. THe place was pretty cool..they had stuff like pilates classes, massage, acupuncture, etc as well.

Anyways, my recommendations were to follow a "Cleansing Diet" of just meats/fish, vegetables, and fruits. No cow's milk :( and no grains at all (i already avoid wheat, so i'll just have to avoid rice and oats as well, which will be difficult). The no dairy products will be hard to follow (i don't drink milk itself, but i eats tons of yogurt, cottage cheese, cream cheese, sour cream, and mozzarella cheese). Plus i also use half-and half and i eat ice cream.

Also, i have to take Vitamin D, potassium, and this special homeopathic remedy called Ruta Graveolens. When i bought it, the label said its main indications was for "eye strain due to computer use or artificial lights", so i was confused as to how it would help me with my leg/knee pain. But after some googling, i found out that
Ruta is "excellent for stomach problems, intestinal cramps, nervousness, hysteria, spasms, dizziness and congestion of the female organs. Externally used for sciatica." Another site recommended Ruta graveolens "for stiffness and pain from injury or chronic overuse." Hmm, that sounds exactly what i need!!

However, it's going to be really hard elminating milk products from my diet! Especially because over the past few months i seem to have developed a very strong addiction to cottage cheese & yogurt (i eat it every morning for breakfast and then maybe after lunch or dinner). to a lesser extent, i became addicted to no sugar-added fudgesicles/creamsicles (maybe 1 or 2 a day), and cream cheese (at least 1 serving a day). In the past week, i've had Ben & Jerry's ice cream 1x or 2x a day. I put sour cream on everything (burgers, enchiladas, chili, omelettes). Oh, I usually eat 1 mozzerella cheese stick a day. I put half-and-half in my coffee and my hot-chocolate (usually 1-2x a day). Eek.

So yesterday's dinner was my first dairy-free dinner. I had some split-pea soup (fresh, not canned!) from Whole Foods, and it was pretty good! I had some honey ham (Trader Joe's) with hummus (also Trader Joe's) and casein-free sour cream (made from rice). I had almonds, macadamias, and some strawberries and rice milk. I'm supposed to give up rice too (all grains), but i don't know if i can do that for another few days (rice is such a good substitute for dairy/wheat products).

For breakfast today I had 2 corn cakes with almond butter, sesame tahini, and rice creme cheese. I also had corn chips, raspberries, and more of that ham + hummus. I had rice milk as well (the West Soy brand is the best). For lunch, i had Sweet-n-Spicy Tuna (it comes in those flat packages) with salad greens, with strawberries and a soymilk container. So far, ok. I hope this does some good!!

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