
Wednesday, September 22, 2004

sunny day 

ok, so this morning i woke up around 8:15, ate a half a grapefruit, and then headed off to my 9:00am yoga class at Wellbridge. I didn't eat a full breakfast since i would be working out, yet i needed *something* in my stomach for the next ~3 hours. Oh, and I decided to bike to Harvard, not just because it would save me about $2, but also because it was a sunny day outside. This time, I gave myself plenty of time to bike there, and took a shorter route (from SP: Pacific then Putnam to River, and then along Memorial Drive) and it took just 17 minutes.

So I got to the yoga class on time, but it was a subsitute instructor who had to leave at 9:45, so the class was only half as long. That was ok though, i did stuff on my own, including pilates and stretching. I left around 10:45am, and on the way back home went to Whole Foods to pick up a "few groceries." As usual, i got like 4x more things that I had planned (but they were all good things!). I finally got back to SP around 11:30, to which i had lunch, got ready and headed off to work.

Once I was here, i planned to make good use of my time and try and get more SEM pictures. Yesterday I realized that the pictures I took on Monday weren't that helpful since all the devices didn't have a certain feature visible (because of their design). So today i wanted to look at those other devices, and booked some time on the SEM. I got there, loaded my sample and set everything up, and then found out that the stage wasn't moving for some reason. Another student that was there told me that he discovered the problem last night, and for him it didn't work either. The person in charge was apparently busy, so I decided i had to just come back another time. Argh. 'twas a bit pissing since i had to unload my sample (and ended up breaking the chip in the process) but oh well. HOpefully it will be fixed by tomorrow.

Anyways, later this afternoon (5pm) I have to go to BU medical center for a dentist appointment..i have to get some fillings done. Yeah, that sucks, but as I was telling MIchael, what i don't look forward to is riding in that awful Boston traffic. Last time i had an apointment that got out at 6pm, but i didn't get home until 7pm! I was amazed that it took *one hour* for me just to get there! i'll be bringing a book this time, so hopefully it shouldn't be too bad!!

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