
Wednesday, December 08, 2004

better weather 

yay, today it's not raining, and it has warmed up. one good thing about the winter (aside from the snow) is that you can happy on days where it's not bitterly freezing. :)

so i'm up to 7% of my fundraising goal for the Boston Marathon (So far I have to raise $2500, and I have $170). I have until January 20 to raise the money, so I need to think of other ideas.

i saw a cool movie this morning, "Three to Tango." Normally i don't watch TV in the mornings, but i just happened to be bored during breakfast and it happened to be on. Normally i don' t like romantic comedies, but this one was pretty funny.

last night i ran 3 miles in the SP gym. i got to use my new MuVo2 mp3 player, so that was cool. i was a bit disappointed though, as i just realized that in order to use the FM radio inside it, i need to get some additional accessory. hmm, i wonder how much that will cost...i'm reluctant to shell out more $$ for something i wouldn't use that often. thing is, i don't normally listen to the radio, but i just thought it would be convenient to use in the gym so I can listen to what's on the television. However, In the Z center you don't need a radio to listen to the TV (the bikes/treadmills/steppers already come with plug-ins for your headphones) and you can choose to watch a number of channels. So i guess when i want to watch TV during a workout i can always go over there instead...

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