
Saturday, December 25, 2004


Happy Holidays everyone!! Hmm.. i wonder who will hate me now for saying that (some right-winger out there is probably fuming as he/she reads this). I recently saw on the news that there were a number of Christian groups that actually were boycotting department stores (such as Macy's) that had started using the generic "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" in their stores and ads. Geez...how Republican can you get? "You're not an exclusively Christian company, so you don't deserve to be in business." Gimme a break! Now, I have no problem when companies feel like strictly using "Merry Christmas" in their ads, but when a company is berated for using a more inclusive phrase, something is seriously wrong.

Anyway, today we went to a Christmas get-together at Kay's house (she's a friend of the family, a real estate agent who sold my parent's house a few years ago). My aunt Nora, uncle Julio and cousins (Grimi and Daniel) were there as well. As for the food, there was turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, cauliflower casserole (as well as a various array of chocolate goodies) so i had yet another huge, indulgent meal. :) But it was okay though, since later on that evening my dad and I went out jogging around the neighborhood (5.2 miles). It was totally dark outside, but at least there were'nt that many cars on the road (being Christmas and all). Anyway, it felt great to be running again! Especially after eating so much...tonight I ran the whole way without stopping to walk (usually i have to take a walking break every 1-2 miles). I think all that chocolate is good running fuel. :)

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