
Sunday, January 09, 2005


ack..my room is *such* a mess. i hate this--i spend an hour cleaning my room and then like 3 days later it becomes a complete sty. ack. i can't understand those people who manage to keep their room clean constantly (and yes, those people *do* exist..i've lived with a number of such people). hmm..i guess the secret is not being lazy enough to create a mess in the first place, and always thinking first before where you put things. Also, I guess any disorganization in your room has to bother you enough for you to want to clean things up on a continuous basis (i.e. thinking like Adrian Monk). But I say, who wants to worry about the disarray-of-the-moment? I've got so many more important things to worry about! :)

P.S. According to this article, a messy desk may actually help one's productivity at work. So there. :)

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