
Saturday, January 08, 2005

crazy (yet wonderful) day 

hours of sleep last night: 1
calories for breakfast this morning: 420
miles ran today: 9
minutes it took: 98
degrees outside: 30 (F)
hills: i lost count. though i think Heartbreak was one of them
negative thoughts i had while running: 0*

*yeah right! :) Though i'm technically supposed to be reducing the number of negative thoughts during running (at training today we had the seminar on sports psychology). The guy said the average person has 66,000 thoughts a day, and 70-80% of them are negative. Eek. He said that people tend to have bad attitudes towards running (i.e. it's cold, it's snowing, my feet hurt, the hills are a bitch), but that only makes people worse and less effective runners. Hmm, makes sense I guess.

Well, i don't know if it was because of the positive thinking that this morning's run was pretty good (miraculously, i dind't feel tired...i only took 2 breaks for water for the first 8 or so miles)! The snow wasn't that bad, it actually was kind of cool! I don't think i've ever run while it was snowing before. And it actualy wasn't that cold (30 F, but almost no wind), however my hands did feel like they were getting frostbitten (even though i was wearing gloves). Oh, and I thank god for my mp3 player..have music is almost crucial for me when i 'm running!

BTW, a really interesting/cool thing happened towards the end of my run. I had like half a mile left or so, and i started to feel a bit sick (common on long runs). I was just coming up the last hill, and I slowed down to a walk for the first time. But the sick feeling wasn't going away. I started to think that i would end up either (a) passing out or (b) having to retch (ew) in a nearby bush. But then at that instant "Fields of Gold" (by Sting) started playing on my mp3 player. So what, you ask. Well, coincidentally (or not?), that is the very song that was played at the funeral of my family friend who died of leukemia about 10 years ago. I remember that was the first time I heard the song (i was in high school), and to this day, i still think of her every single time I hear it. So when that certain song started playing (i have over 900 songs randomly arranged in my mp3 player) I couldn't believe it! It made me remember the reason for me doing this marathon in the first place (to raise funds to help stop leukemia from taking more lives). Just realizing that actually made the sick feeling disappear (i kid you not), and I was able to run the rest of the way back. And the song ended exactly when I got back, at an exact 9.0 miles! Wow. Call it coincidence, call it whatever...for me, it was motivation, and it worked. Thank you, Estrella. :)

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