
Wednesday, January 12, 2005

diet coke... again 

i sort of have a love-hate relationship with diet coke. on one hand, i really, really hate it--the taste isn't great, with every sip i worry what the aspartame is doing to my body, and i don't like the stigma that goes a long with being a diet-coke-drinker (i.e. a sign that you're a person who would rather drink a inferior-tasting drink that contains a potentially harmful substance produced by an an evil company, just to save 140 measly calories (or to not have to drink just plain water)). :)

so i don't like diet coke, and i don't like to be seen with one... yet i often crave it. and i sometimes give in to those cravings and slip in 75 cents of my hard-earned money into the 6th floor vending machine for a can of the bad stuff. the can opens with a snap, and then there's all this anticipation...ah, a diet coke. and sure, the first few sips can even be described as refreshing. yet after every can i finish, i always think "well... that was disappointing." and "hmmm..i hope those folks at Monsanto were right when they said that aspartame doesn't cause brain tumors." Ack. Well, i guess i'm just in it for the caffeine, and for that temporary "high" that breaks the late-afternoon lull (when its too early to go home and there's tons of work to do, and i just need *something* to get me through the day).

Anyways, whatever. I had two diet cokes today, which is a very rare occasion that hopefully will never repeat itself. I usually only have about 1 diet coke a week or something, which i know isn't that much of an addiction (John Edwards is a true Diet Coke fiend, and he's still alive, which makes me feel slightly better). :)

p.s. a lot of people wonder why ppl drink Diet Coke and not regular. after all, 140 calories isn't much, right. yeah, but the thing is, some people don't want 46 grams of sugar running through their system (at the same time as all that caffeine). Plus, some people think that calories really shouldn't be wasted on soda (and i agree...i'd rather take those calories via a serving of ice cream instead). So why not drink water? I mean, it's a lot better for you, has no harmful chemicals (hopefully), and best of all, it doesn't cost anything. Well, the fact of the matter is, water just doesn't have that "zing." A glass of cold water can't wake you up in the late afternoon enough to get you through a couple hours of number-crunching. It can't take the edge off and let you temporarily forget your troubles for about 2 minutes. Sigh... :)

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