
Wednesday, January 05, 2005

ditch fitch! 

even though they had to pay through the nose (read: $40 million) to settle claims of racism, i still don't think a company like Abercrombie & Fitch deserves a cent of decent people's business. I usually am pretty skeptical of claims about racism/sexism in the work place (i'm against affirmative action), but the case against Fitch seems pretty solid (just google it, and you'll find variety of claims of racism, both in their clothing and in their hiring policies). Personally, I don't know of a single Asian, black or Hispanic person who has had anything positive to say about that company. also, Republicans hate them too, because apparently they have a pretty racy catalogue (i.e. semi-nude preteens), and they actually make thongs for young girls. Sheesh!

Here's the press release about the settlement..it's fairly recent (November 2004). At least some lawsuits are good for something...maybe they'll become decent someday.

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