
Monday, January 03, 2005

vacations over, time to work 

i just updated my website...added some pictures. It took forever since i had to go through my huge stash (1000's) of pictures and select them, and then resize them, create the html, etc. And i'm not even close to being done! Oh well, i'm going to stop now...i'm tired and i don't want to get carpal tunnel. Plus, i have to go to work tomorrow. Vacation's officially over!

Oh, and a random note-i baked some bread today (using the bread machine), but it didn't turn out so hot. It had a nice taste and it wasn't inedible, however it didn't turn out nice and fluffy like that one time i made it. Argh. I really need to get white spelt flour (it will be easier to make it rise). Also, i wonder if i should use baking powder (since the flour i use does not have gluten, then i need *something* to make it rise...?). Oh well, i think i'll figure it out eventually (so far, this is about my 7th try). Yes, i'm frustrated, but i think i just need to find the secret to baking a high-rising bread without gluten, and i'm done. I have some confidence in it...it took me six or seven miserable attempts at making non-dairy yogurt (using my new yogurt maker), but i finally got the hang of it (the key things: DON'T use coconut milk (use soymilk instead); ALWAYS add *some* sugar in it (at least 1TBS per quart); heat the soymilk to 110F before incubating; add 1 tbsp of arrowroot or cornstarch to help thickening).

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