
Friday, November 25, 2005

black friday 

so joe & i woke up at 3:30 am this morning. why? to go to Best Buy (at Cambridgeside Galleria) at 4:00am. Why? To wait in line (until the 5:00am opening) in order to try to be one of the lucky ones to snag a $569 Gateway laptop (amongst other things). Were we crazy? Yes. Was it worth it, I dunno.

Well, this morning it was FREEZING (i think it was in the teens with windchill) and it sucked because we had to walk from Joe's place to the Harvest Co-op parking lot, where the zipcar was (that was the only zipcar that was available at 4:00am, all the others in the area were taken). We ended up getting there at 4:15, but instead of going straight to the Galleria, we went to SP first to get some decent cold-weather gear (we thought we would have to be waiting outside in this weather). Anyway, by the time we parked the car and got to the Best Buy (~4:45), we saw that the line was actually *inside* the mall (so much for wasting 20 minutes in going to SP...whatever)!

Thursday, November 24, 2005

turkey trot 

this morning, joe & i ran in the gobble gobble 4-miler in Somerville. Tomasz (from Joe's group at MIT) was also there, and so was Christine. It was sort of cold, but at least it wasn't raining or snowing. Joe and I got terrible times though (i ran it in 43min, he in 40) because we felt so incredibly fatigued for some reason. We then realized that "some reason" was probably because we had both donated a pint of blood (at Red Cross blood drive at MIT) less than 36 hours earlier. Apparently you're not supposed do that (doh!) No wonder!! Well, now we know. :)

However, it was still fun...we saw a lot of cool turkey costumes (check out Christine's page of pictures here).

Friday, November 18, 2005


i don't have time to post, but i just figured i should write something here, just so it doesn't have the same thing for ever and ever.

well, to give an update, i've been extremely busy this semester, as i am TA'ing a course, taking japanese class (3rd year) and preparing for IEDM (conference in early December). TA'ing pretty much takes a lot of my time so despite the fact that I am at work in my office from 8am to 6pm (at least) every day, i actually don't end up getting that much research work done. i haven't really had that much time to go running either! joe & i kept running a minimum of maybe ~10 miles a week(in training for the Boston Half Marathon on October 9) but after that I just sort of slacked off with running. Actually, I couldn't call it "slacking off", i would call it just not having the @#$% time! now we run every now and then we have the chance(once or twice every couple weeks) but its only 3-4 miles.

well i should go now, have to get back to work!

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