
Friday, November 18, 2005


i don't have time to post, but i just figured i should write something here, just so it doesn't have the same thing for ever and ever.

well, to give an update, i've been extremely busy this semester, as i am TA'ing a course, taking japanese class (3rd year) and preparing for IEDM (conference in early December). TA'ing pretty much takes a lot of my time so despite the fact that I am at work in my office from 8am to 6pm (at least) every day, i actually don't end up getting that much research work done. i haven't really had that much time to go running either! joe & i kept running a minimum of maybe ~10 miles a week(in training for the Boston Half Marathon on October 9) but after that I just sort of slacked off with running. Actually, I couldn't call it "slacking off", i would call it just not having the @#$% time! now we run every now and then we have the chance(once or twice every couple weeks) but its only 3-4 miles.

well i should go now, have to get back to work!

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