
Thursday, January 19, 2006

10 months! 

well, today's the 10-month anniversary of our first date. yay! i can't believe it's only been 10 months...it feels like i've known Joe forever! :)

anyway, what was funny is that tonight I was watching a rerun of Friends, and it just so happened that on that episode Monica & Chandler's were celebrating their 10-month anniversary. WEIRD! :) I know it doesn't mean anything, but I like coincidences, so i'll just make a note of it here anyway. :)

oh, and tonight, joe and i ended up watching Beauty & the Geek again. It's bad, it's only the 2nd episode and i think we're already addicted to the show. :-) Normally we don't watch reality TV (despite the name, i think it's more fake than anything else) but because they had some geeky guys on there (one guy is a MIT grad!) i was just curious. The show is ok, it's kind of funny how some of the girls are so oblivious (one girl couldn't recognize John Kerry from a photograph..she said it was Al Gore) and how some of the guys are clueless as well (one didn't know the name of Britney Spears' baby's father, given a picture). Oh well, it's cheap entertainment, at least. :)

Oh, and tonight in the running class i ran about 5 miles. Am proud of myself, as i am actually getting back into running. I just started last week, when the running class started, and i ran 3 on that Tuesday (1/10) and 4 on the Thursday (1/12). Although I didn't run over the weekend (Saturday - raining, Sunday- EXTREMELY cold, and Monday-too many errands) I managed to run 5 this Tuesday. Before that, I hadn't really run seriously since October (the Boston half-marathon) since i was so busy last semester with TA'ing, IEDM, and Japanese class. But now that that's all over (I only have one semester of Japanese left), and it doesn't start till Feb 7, at least I have some time to get back into shape! below is my workout schedule:

Mon (7:30am) - Pilates (1hr)
Tues (6pm) - running (1hr -1.5 hr)
Wed (7:30am) - Pilates (1hr)
Thurs (6pm) - running (1hr -1.5 hr)
Friday - REST! :)
Saturday (am/noon) - running (45 min)
Sunday (am/noon) - running+ xtrain (1hr)

Pilates is really helping me too, as it is really strengthening my abs and helping my posture. I plan to continue the pilates class throughout the semester, so hopefully i will see a lot of improvement. My goal is to get really fit abs (i'm *so* jealous of Tea Leoni! :) ) but i don't know if that is humanly possible for someone like me. Oh well...it's worth trying. :)

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