
Monday, July 17, 2006

another apartment update 

So lately it has been getting extremely hot in our apartment (in the Boston area, it's been in the upper 80s & even 90s for a while now). We already had a small AC (5,200 BTU) in our bedroom (which works great) but then of course every other room in our apartment still felt like a sauna. Probably explains why we hadn't be doing that much cleaning up in the living room, for example, because after just 10 minutes of cleaning and organizing we'd feel like we needed to take a break in the air conditioned room, lest we collapse from heat exhaustion. So on Saturday we went to HomeDepot again and bought a larger air conditioner (8,000 BTUs) for our living room. So now cleaning up that room will be less of a toiling experience. And that way when we finally get a TV in there we will actually want to sit there and watch it. :)

Anyway, it does seem to work pretty well. It takes a while to get started but it does the job. I swear, if weren't for the energy bill, I'd install ACs in every damn room of our house! Especially the kitchen..I have temporarily given up baking, cuz once you turn the oven to bake your pie you essentially begin baking yourself as well. :)

Oh, and about the mice situation...we had thought they were gone, since we no longer found droppings in the kitchen and they weren't going for the traps. However, it turns out they just have been going to a different place! Over the weekend I discovered mouse droppings in the office room (on my Pilates mat! DAMN them!!). What's worse is that they had chewed up my favorite sandals (I had to throw them out). I don't understand why they were in that room, as we never have food in there! ARGH! We ended up spraying the place with that mint+eucalyptus air freshener, which seems to keep the mice away (earlier we had sprayed our kitchen and bedroom with it, and it seems to have worked).

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