
Sunday, May 13, 2007


Well my thesis defense was on Thursday (the 10th), and all went well (woo!). So I'm basically done (still have to turn in my thesis, though). I do have a draft finished but I still need to update some figures and include a bit more stuff in it. Though it should all be do-able by the 24th (that's the last day I can turn it in, because we leave for Hawaii on the morning of the 25th). Crazy, huh. The timing of this trip was perfect...the day after turning my thesis, get to hop on a plane and have a relaxing 4-day vacation in Maui. It'll be cool because we'll see lots of Joe's friends there (we are going for a wedding).

Anyway, right now I'm just trying to relax for a bit before getting started on the thesis editing tomorrow (Monday). I just want to chill as much as possible this weekend, because the next few weeks will be quite busy. Over the past six years at MIT, I've come to learn that things always tend to come together at the last minute, especially when it comes to thesis writing. :-D

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