
Thursday, February 15, 2007


このごろ、ボストンの天気が凄く寒くなっています。今朝、−8C(feels like -23C)でした。その寒さといったら、言葉にできないほどでした。そのうえ、どこも氷があって、凄く滑りやすい。昨日、雪が降って、それから氷になっています。だから、今朝車がstuckでした。どうしても、車が動けませんでした。We were stuck for about an hour and a half. Joe tried to shovel the ice while I was behind the wheel trying to put the car in drive, then reverse, then drive again to get it unstuck. Poor thing could do nothing but just spin its wheels. 可哀想。 I then tried to google "how to get your car unstuck from the snow" and came up with lame tips like "Put your car in 4-wheel drive, if it has it." Well duh--I wouldn't be in this situation in the first place if I had 4 wheel drive!! Arg! It also said "try to remove most of the snow around the tires." Hah. Well i could, if the snow wasn't FROZEN SOLID!! Argh. 大変でした。結局、動き出しました。Somehow we got it out of there. I think it was like 9:45 am when I finally got to work (we had first gotten in the car around 8am).

Well, maybe I won't miss the snow after all. カリフォルニアに帰りたい!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


well, finally Boston sees some decent snow!! Went outside this morning to see maybe ~6? inches of snow on the ground. Joe had to scrape off the windshield etc but it wasn't too bad..still no shoveling necessary (maybe we'll get away this winter without ever having to use it!). LOL. :)

Anyway, the other cool thing about snow is that it's not as cold...now apparently it's a whopping 30 degrees Fahrenheit. Woo. Much better from the 9 degrees it was yesterday (brr!). Yesterday I had to walk to work, since Joe had to go in super-early. It wasn't too bad except for in the end my face felt like it was frozen off!

さて、私たちカリフォルニアに引っ越ししたら、雪が懐かしくなるでしょう。But that's about it...I won't miss all the other winter days when it's below zero and it's so damn cold you ask yourself again, "WHY did I move here again???"

BTW, I don't know if the Japanese above is correct. I basically just wanted to say that if we move to California we will probably miss the snow. Not sure if 懐かしくなる is the right phrase to use here...i'm not exactly sure how to say I will "miss" something. Oh well..if anyone out there knows, let me know!!

Friday, February 09, 2007

addicted to learning Japanese! :) 

well for the past week or so i've been addicted to these Japanese podcasts from JapanesePod101.com (check it out: JapanesePod101.com - Learn Japanese with Free Daily Podcasts). I swear, they are *hilarious* and very entertaining to listen to, and best of all, I'm learning a ton of Japanese with it! :) Learning this way is waaay better than just churning through flashcards and such! Plus, its cool cuz I can just listen to the podcasts anywhere!

anyway, if you're looking for a quick way to learn more Japanese (or even if you're a complete newbie and want to just start learning the language), I *highly* recommend these podcasts & the "learning center" that goes along with it. all the audio and video podcasts themselves are free; you can just get them from the website (follow link above). if you want access the grammar/vocab notes for each podcast in PDF and the other learning tools, you have to pay for a basic or premium subscription. however, in my opinion it is HIGHLY worth it! the premium subscription included JLPT practice questions and lets you maintain a "word bank" of vocabulary words. you can get a 7-day free trial premium subscription to see if you like it. i tried it and i ended up buying a subscription after realizing how much I used it!

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